
Thursday 18 October 2012

The three little pigs By Fine

The Three Little Pigs.

Once long ago when the sun was always shining, there lived three little pigs. They lived with their mother. One day their mother said “ You are too old to be living with me, you should find another place to live”. So they went off into the forest looking for somewhere to live.

The youngest pig went walking in the direction of a farm. He then found straw and started to build himself a house with the straw. The youngest pig was then ready to live in his house.

The second oldest pig went searching in a forest. He found a lot of sticks. He decided to build his house out of sticks. When he was finished he was ready to live in his house.

The oldest pig came across a pile of bricks. He started to think. He then started to build a house made from bricks. It started to get dark. The oldest pig didn’t finish his house till the next sunrise, but as soon as he was finished he was happy with what he had made.

The next afternoon the big bad wolf could smell someone new. The smell was coming from the farm where the youngest pig lived. The big bad wolf said to the pig “ Little pig, little pig let me in”. He then replied “ Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin I will not let you in ”. The big bad wolf replied back “I will Huff and I’ll Puff and blow your house in”. So that is what he did.

The youngest pig then ran to his older brothers house. The big bad wolf then followed him into the forest. He said to them through his window “ Little pigs, little pigs let me in ”. The pigs then replied to the wolf “Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin, we will not let you in ”. Then he replied “ I will huff and I’ll puff and I will blow your house down ”. So he did.

The two brothers ran to the oldest brothers house. The oldest pig then locked the door. The big bad wolf said to them “ Little pigs, little pigs let me in” . They replied “ Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins, we will not let you in”. Then the Big bad wolf replied back “ Then I’ll huff and I’ll Puff and I will blow your house in”. So he tried but he couldn’t. So he tried but just couldn’t. He had an idea that came to his head.

He saw a chimney on the roof. Little did he know the pigs were expecting him. The pigs put a big pot of boiling water in the fire waiting for the wolf to come tumbling down into the pot.  They waited and waited for him to come down. They heard a sound. Was it the wolf?. Yes it was. As he made a big splash into the pot they put the lid on the pot so he couldn’t come out. The pigs were very relieved. They all lived in the same house protected from anyone trying to harm them and they all lived happily ever after.

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