
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Sentence Structure

A sentence  is a group of words  that explain a subject or idea. There are three types of sentences, simple,compound and complex. A simple sentence includes one verb and one main idea. A compound has two or more ideas and includes words that help us join two ideas together. The third sentence type, a complex sentence, has two ideas joint together. One idea is the main and the other idea backs up the information. If we were to use incorrect punctuation, It will change the meaning and it won’t make sense.

On Monday, and Tuesday this week, Room 5 learnt about Sentence Structure. We had fun interactive games and worked together in collaborative groups. We wrote a paragraph on what the different types of sentence structures there are.


Ahmed said...
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Ahmed said...

your article about Sentence Structure is awesome. Please keep it up..

English Sentence Structure

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